Benefiet avond voor WAP - Met o.a. Rott ndamned en Red Rocket - zaterdag 19 juli 2014 - STUDIOGONZ - Cafe/Podium/Club in Gouda

zaterdag 19 juli 2014

Benefiet avond voor WAP

Met o.a. Rott ndamned en Red Rocket

Deze avond draait om geld ophalen voor het WAP (World Animal Protection). Deze organisatie doet er alles aan om dierenleed te stoppen.

Benefiet avond voor WAP

Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 01:00 uur

Tickets Niet-leden: €5.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €3.00

Tickets Leden VVK: €0.00

Dit event is geweest

Deze avond draait om geld ophalen voor het WAP (World Animal Protection). Deze organisatie doet er alles aan om dierenleed te stoppen. Voor meer informatie over deze organisatie kan je kijken op . 

Tijdens deze avond zullen de punk bands Red rocket, Rott Ndamned, Fokkum en Tools of a cynic spelen. 

FOKKUM A brutal, slightly melodic sounding band, with raw, short and fast songs and with a fascination for alternative hystory, conspiracies and freedom...

RED ROCKET Established and playing together for just 1 reason. PLAYING FUCKIN LOUD is their main religion. These 4-Headed stoners have come together since November 2011. After Some Jamsessions they quickly got their roots and chemistry on track and where almost immediately ready to 'Plug in and play' LIVE on stage to satisfy every pair of ears in the room.

Tools of a Cynic is a progressive rock band from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Their sound is a premium blend of freshly ground polyrhythmic beats, seasoned melodies and soothing as well as driving vocals.

Rott'nDamned is a Hardcore band from The Netherlands, Rotterdam. With powerfull lyrics and aggressive riffs they want to tell people all over the world who they are and what they stand for. Rott'nDamned is a young and promising band who are looking for shows anytime, anyplace!

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